Ben Miller
Layout Editor
Students took in the sunshine as they created chalk art Wednesday beginning at noon.
“An Afternoon of Chalk Art” was the midpoint of Exc!te’s Spring Fling Week. The chalk festival, returning from its successful debut last year, began at noon and continued until 4 p.m.
Students partook in the chalk art for fun or entered their art work in a competition to win prizes.
After hours of intense chalk art, Exc!te’s officers gathered to decide a winner. The winners were announced over Exc!te’s instagram, @excitefus, the following day.
The winner of the competition was sophomore Grace McCormick, who created a piece of Jesus surrounded by angels, titled, “Mercy Divine.” McCormick was awarded a $100 Amazon gift card.
The runner-up resulted in a tie between graduate student Mariah Higuera and sophomore Nate Hermann. Each was awarded a $50 gift card to Amazon.
Higuera drew a picture of an angel protecting children, titled, “Guardian Angel.”
Hermann created a piece of Kirby and other characters, titled, “Friendship.”
Hermann commented on the atmosphere of the event and said, “Great art, great weather, great people.”
The third-place winner was junior Juliana Turner who created an image of Our Lady surrounded by the cosmos titled “Our Lady of the Galaxy.” Turner was awarded a $25 Amazon gift card.
Exc!te provided root beer floats to accompany the event and passed out the remaining spring fling T-shirts free of charge.
Two half kegs of root beer and a freezer full of ice cream were present at the event. Exc!te officers had to go to pick up more ice cream halfway through the event.
Exc!te holds open meetings every Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the St. Margaret room to plan their events, including Spring Fling Week.