Insights with Emily: the path of ordered reason
By Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist Many people in the secular world today do not believe that God is real. These people have poured much of their energy into their mindsContinue Reading
By Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist Many people in the secular world today do not believe that God is real. These people have poured much of their energy into their mindsContinue Reading
By Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist Midterms are upon us and spring break is on the horizon. We are nearing the end of winter, but the weather is still bleak. ThisContinue Reading
By Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist Do you ever feel like you’re expected to have all the answers, but you find yourself coming up empty? Instead of providing every answer, youContinue Reading
By Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist We all struggle with something that seems to be beyond ourselves, a problem that is too big for us to fix, be it a recurringContinue Reading
Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist I hate to write my last Troub article for the school year on something as ambiguous and inconclusive as “uncertainty,” yet I think it may beContinue Reading
Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist The weather. I think by now, we’re all sick of it. March was cold, gray and dreary, and, so far, April is no better, adding onlyContinue Reading
Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist What does it mean to get to the end of yourself? I think it means that you encounter some circumstance for which you have no answers.Continue Reading
Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist Do you ever find yourself in the middle of a crowded room filled with the incessant buzz of people and activity, endless stimuli vying for theContinue Reading
Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist Life is confusing. I don’t know about you, but I am the type of person who likes to try to figure things out. Give me aContinue Reading
Emily Salerno-Oswald Scriptural Columnist What does it mean to be held? There are times in life when we try to predict everything. We try to be the weathermen, and, inContinue Reading
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