Franciscan Fanfare: Living penance in Advent
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST “I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining. I believe in love, even when I feel it not. I believe in God, evenContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST “I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining. I believe in love, even when I feel it not. I believe in God, evenContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST Early in my tenure as fine arts columnist for this publication, I issued an exhortation to my fellow artists encouraging them to make art andContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST When last I treated the topic at hand, we explored how the full, active and conscious participation of the faithful in the liturgy is fostered byContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST “My forthcoming work in five volumes, ‘The Neglect of Cheese in European Literature,’ is a work of such unprecedented and laborious detail that it isContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST In 1963 Pope Saint Paul VI promulgated the “Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy” or, in Latin, “Sacrosanctum Concilium.” Vatican II is often remembered for encouraging “fullyContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST Barely a hop, skip and a jump away from our campus, just off of Sunset Boulevard, you’ll find something that at first seems out ofContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST The pointed question to which I refer is this: why not? Allow me to explain. First, some context. I find that a surprisingly small contingentContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST Few things are as inescapable in our day-to-day experience as light, and there are few places on earth where it is entirely extinguished. Nevertheless, itContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST A thought from spring break: strolling around the streets of a small town at night, one encounters a sort of strange, sacred solitude. The remarkableContinue Reading
LUKE PONCE FINE ARTS COLUMNIST The world is filled with a great many sources of instantaneous excitement and entertainment. One might think that facilitating the pursuit of such experiences wouldContinue Reading
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