Fine Arts Column: Beyond words
PATRICIA VOIGT FINE ARTS COLUMNIST I have always found it incredibly fascinating the way a simple phrase, poem, or story could purely captivate the mind of a person. Even asContinue Reading
PATRICIA VOIGT FINE ARTS COLUMNIST I have always found it incredibly fascinating the way a simple phrase, poem, or story could purely captivate the mind of a person. Even asContinue Reading
PATRICIA VOIGT FINE ARTS COLUMNIST Just a few weeks ago, only three days shy of the spring semester, I went to a large audition. Each actor auditioning got 90 secondsContinue Reading
PATRICIA VOIGT FINE ARTS COLUMNIST Have you ever heard the maxim “everything can be art”? I can tell you I have, and it makes me cringe. It makes me thinkContinue Reading
PATRICIA VOIGT FINE ARTS COLUMNIST I love movies, listening to my iPod, admiring paintings, etc., but there is nothing quite like watching a live performance art. A ballet, a symphonyContinue Reading
PATRICIA VOIGT FINE ARTS COLUMNIST Good old Shakespeare. I’m sure that for most of you his name brings up memories of high school English classes. For some, those weren’t theContinue Reading
PATRICIA VOIGT FINE ARTS COLUMNIST You know what many people fail to realize? We are all artists in our own right. Okay, so not everyone pursues art as a full-timeContinue Reading
PATRICIA VOIGT FINE ARTS COLUMNIST If you are any sort of believer in the one true God, it’s incredibly obvious that God is an artist. He’s also a scientist, historian,Continue Reading
PATRICIA VOIGHT SOPHOMORE DRAMA MAJOR I can honestly say that I believe that fine art seems to go unappreciated here at Franciscan. Understand that I love this school dearly, butContinue Reading
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