Professor delves into the life of St. Francis
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer Students, staff and friars filled the Gentile Gallery at 6 p.m. to learn about our patron, St. Francis of Assisi, and how he is representedContinue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer Students, staff and friars filled the Gentile Gallery at 6 p.m. to learn about our patron, St. Francis of Assisi, and how he is representedContinue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer The Leadership Institute’s Student Fellows Program attended a seminar on Catholic social teaching in order to be prepared for their D.C. trip at 1 p.m.Continue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer Walking around campus, a person is bound to see students hard at work – and expressing themselves. A popular trend across generations is to decorateContinue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer In recent years, concern for healthy eating habits has been on the rise, particularly among college students. Any time a person’s routine changes, it canContinue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer Exc!te hosted an Italian-themed celebration with the help of Guardians of the Divine Will, featuring catered dinner, gelato, music and posters of various Italian saintsContinue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer The student organization Breaking Barriers hosted its first talk of the semester on Sept. 22 at 7:30 p.m., where three members of the club sharedContinue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer A professor of psychology at Franciscan University explored the possibility of utilizing an alternative drug to counteract the effects of chemically induced abortions in aContinue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer Theology professor John Bergsma challenged students, through the words of St. Josemaría Escrivá, to do the work of God in their daily lives during hisContinue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer The J.C. Williams center, and all of campus with it, was struck with tragedy on March 9, when an unknown student kidnapped the beloved fishContinue Reading
By Peyton Voorheis Staff Writer Classical music filled the Gentile Gallery as the director of Franciscan University’s new Chamber Orchestra performed with three of his fellow musicians from the ClevelandContinue Reading
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