Famous last words
WILLIAM SPINNENWEBER FINE ARTS COLUMNIST At 4:30 p.m. on March 17, I was going about my usual business, which is not much during that time of day. My phone vibrated with the text messageContinue Reading
WILLIAM SPINNENWEBER FINE ARTS COLUMNIST At 4:30 p.m. on March 17, I was going about my usual business, which is not much during that time of day. My phone vibrated with the text messageContinue Reading
WILLIAM SPINNENWEBER FINE ARTS COLUMNIST A standing room-only audience, emitting much anticipation and excitement, filled the pews and gallery of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh on Friday, Feb. 28. These patrons couldContinue Reading
WILLIAM SPINNENWEBER FINE ARTS COLUMNIST I am always spellbound by the Requiem Mass. The timeless prayers and eerie chants are like unto a sacred drama, evoking the various images ofContinue Reading
WILLIAM SPINNENWEBER FINE ARTS COLUMNIST Sir Roger Scruton’s recent and untimely death inspired my new philosophical hunt into matters of aesthetics and beauty. After all, real beauty is a fine artContinue Reading
WILLIAM SPINNENWEBBER FINE ARTS COLUMNIST True art is an expression of the beauty of God, and man, who is created in his image and likeness, participates in this divine economy through his custody of the createdContinue Reading
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