By Grace Simcox
Staff Writer
Franciscan University hosted Laura Ricketts, a Franciscan alumna and founder of Filumena Birth, during women’s health week to talk about fertility on Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. in the Gentile Gallery.
“You can’t trust your body… many girls have been told some variation of that lie as they approached maidenhood, and upon entrance, were convinced that menstruation is shameful and gross, conditioning them to possess an underlying fear of fertility which has paved the way for contraception to be introduced to young girls as ‘normal,’” said Ricketts.
“Girls, it’s not normal!” said Ricketts, going on to explain that hormonal birth control has been shown to alter women’s brain chemistry in such a way that causes women to be attracted to guys they would not typically be attracted to.
“Men, if you think this insidious lie pervading women’s health doesn’t affect you … you’re wrong,” said Ricketts.
“Studies have shown that men surrounded by women suppressing their cycles have lower levels of testosterone while those around naturally cycling women have higher levels of testosterone,” continued Ricketts.
Ricketts emphasized the nature of a woman as living for and being a gift to another.
“This corresponds to bodily autonomy. When the body functions according to its nature as it ought to – it is free. Fertility is liberating!” said Ricketts.
The Guiding Star Project, an organization devoted to helping women protect their fertility and motherhood, is hosting Women’s Health Week in an attempt to encourage women to reclaim the truth in womanhood and motherhood by embracing and preserving their natural body.
“I never realized how much of the medical intervention we see in pregnancy and childbirth is unnecessary. It was eye opening to be shown how the Lord already has the perfect timing and processes for the miracle of childbirth built into a woman’s natural systems,” said junior Mary McGuire.