Catholic YouTube commentator encourages return to patriarchy

Genevieve Stefanick
Staff Writer

A Catholic YouTube commentator and podcaster said there is a need to return to patriarchy during a talk Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m. in the Gentile Gallery.

Timothy Gordon, a father, husband, author and Catholic online personality, claimed that “feminism is the beating heart of leftism” and said Catholics need to return to the right order of Christian society: patriarchy.

Gordon said there are two kinds of patriarchy within Catholicism: upper and lower patriarchies. The upper patriarchy consists of the Magisterium, the clerics and higher authorities of the Church while the lower patriarchy exists within the laity and their individual households.

Gordon said he believes that most of the upper patriarchy has failed in some way and thus, in response, the lower patriarchy must focus on fulfilling its own individual calling.

Gordon said, “All Christian husbands share in a non-ordained way in the Christly office.”

He said Christian husbands must fulfill their individual duty to be leaders within their families, fathers and husbands. This is especially important, Gordon said, since the present time is an “age of absconding fathers,” where “men have failed” at being men.

Gordon said society might be able to “restore masculinity” through man’s efforts to keep his “vocational house in order.”

Gordon said many times that it is important to recognize feminism as the ultimate cause of all radical leftist ideals. He called for a return to traditional relationships between man and woman, according to the Bible.

Gordon said there is a dire need for a right response and active advocacy against feminism through the right adherence to Christian patriarchy.

Sophomore Grace Shoemaker said, “Despite his haughty and arrogant persona, Tim Gordon had many important and countercultural things to say regarding gender ideology, male leadership, feminism, the Catholic patriarchy and the Magisterium.”

Gordon spoke at the university at the request of senior Carly Newman, student lead for the Young Americans Foundation, who helped host the talk as her capstone project for Center for Leadership.