Olivia Sielaff
Olivia Sielaff
Olivia Sielaff


At many points in our lives we all experience change. If you’re a new college student, you are in the process of experiencing perhaps one of the biggest changes in your life. The same goes for the seniors (myself included) who are witnessing the change of faces on campus and preparing for the transition into adulthood.

With these changes comes responsibility. In welcoming the new we are saying ‘Yes’ to the duties and challenges that come with it.

However, I find it tempting to shrug off the responsibilities I’ve been given as a student, household sister, Catholic and even friend. At the same time I want to improve in those aspects of my life.

The struggle between desiring change and dismissing the duty that comes with it is often present. Of course we want to be hardworking and mature adults living out our vocation in the years ahead, but we must be willing to accept the responsibilities.

One great responsibility I am reminded of on this memorial day of September 11 is the duty to our country. As Christians and as citizens we are called to remember and pray for all those who have died and sacrificed their lives for our country. Moreover we must be active members of society, upholding the principles that constitute America.

It is especially imperative for young adults to take on this responsibility. But once we arrive on campus it’s easy to ignore or forget about what happens “off the hill.”

Recognizing this gap, The Troubadour has added a news briefs section on national and international news in our weekly editions. Also, we will be sharing more stories from other news sources on our social media sites each day.

We hope that these changes will aid you, our readers, in undertaking the responsibility as young adults to be more aware of current events and inspiring you to take action in your homes, communities and the world.