Congregation requests intervention of angels during holy hour

Shanice Kirabo
Staff Writer

Christ the King Chapel filled with students Thursday evening for eucharistic adoration directed toward spiritual warfare.

The holy hour was presided over by the Rev. Shawn Roberson, TOR, university chaplain.

“I watched Satan fall, like lightning from Heaven,” were words projected on the screens as people filtered in.

Roberson gave the attendees five pillars to help conquer spiritual battles. He began with obedience, which he defined as an action with an outcome.

He then explained the other four pillars: the sacraments, scripture, prayer with fasting and praying the rosary.

Roberson said to “be free of our transgressions” by leaning more on scripture and putting even more faith in Jesus Christ.

He gave the example of the story of Tobias and the Archangel Raphael in the book of Tobit. Roberson pointed out how Tobias listened to Raphael’s instructions to drive out the demon that was interfering with his wife Sarah.

The holy hour concluded with the Litany of Angels as a final petition to God to deliver everyone from evil.

Freshman Jocelyn Labra said, “When I watched Fr. Shawn carry the monstrance in, I knew that at that very moment Jesus had defeated the enemy.”

The holy hour was hosted by Regina Angelorum household.