Dispute in Student Government meeting over allocation of funds


Student Government met Wednesday to vote on and pass four bills, only one requiring extra debate time.

Fall Bill #19 instigated disagreement and required extended debate time in order to be passed.

The bill was originally intended to reallocate $300 from the Anscombe Society for their attendance of the Love and Fidelity Network Conference when they had originally been granted $600.

When the bill was proposed, however, senior class senator, Joseph Antoniello objected the reallocation and moved that the original $600 that was granted, which would have paid for the entire expense of the event, should still have been given.

“Not paying for the entire expense for this type of event, which we support, is a dangerous precedent to set,” Antoniello said. “Saving money is good, but we also have a standard to uphold.”

This objection sparked disagreement between the financial committee and several senators. The reallocation of the full $300 was quickly discarded, as was keeping the $600 where it was. Several compromises were made based on the amount each student would have to pay.

In the end, of the original $600 the Anscombe Society was allocated $505 was allocated, which would require pre-registered students to pay $35 each and non-registered students $40 each. This bill passed unanimously.

Along with Bill 19, bills 21, 22 and 23 were also voted on. The purposes of these bills were that $750 be allocated to the Graduate Counseling Association for attendance to the annual Psychotherapy Catholic Conference, that $300 be allocated to Latinos for Christ for their event Noche de Fiesta, and that $65 be allocated to the Chesterton Club for their Meet and Greet event, respectively.

All of these bills passed unanimously and without debate.