Finnegan Fieldhouse adds women’s only workout program


Franciscan University’s Finnegan Fieldhouse gym has added a new exercise program designed especially for women.

Women on Wellness was developed in response to women who were consistently mentioning to student trainers that they were intimidated by the weight racks and were unsure about how to use some of the equipment.

“A lot of girls were telling us that they felt awkward trying to learn how to use the equipment when there were always guys in that area,” said Carley Helfers, a senior student and Finnegan Fieldhouse fitness lead.

The program, which takes place on Sundays from 7-9 p.m., provides women with a two-hour period in which men are not allowed into the facility. Women then have the ability to exercise freely among female trainers, and there is also an optional instructional period from 7-8 p.m. during which the trainers teach how to utilize free weights and other machines in the gym properly.

“We want it to be a place for women to be able to ask questions but also a place for them to be able to work out around just girls if they felt more comfortable that way,” said Helfers. “Our aim is to educate in any way we can, to help them understand not only how to do the workouts, but how these workouts improve their body as a woman and overall health.”

The program presently takes place on Sunday nights only, but Helfers said that the staff is looking to expand.

“Depending on the interest and the availability of a few trainers, we are thinking about adding a weekday class like a women’s-only bootcamp class,” said Helfers.