By Jacqueline Griswold
Staff Writer
The third annual St. Joseph’s festival started with sparks as the fire alarm kicked off the event on March 20 at 7 p.m. in the J.C. Williams Center.
The event was put on by the Apprentices of St. Joseph Household (ASJ) with the help of the FUS Student Government in order to honor the saint for the Solemnity of St. Joseph.
At the event, ASJ was selling T-shirts and boba tea. Their sister household, Lilies of St. Joseph was selling jewelry, tea and potted plants, and Daughters of Divine Mercy supplied their bread, which was being handed out for free.
Many fun games kept the students entertained. There was human battleship, where students sat on opposite sides of a black curtain and threw rubber balls over in hopes of hitting someone in order to sink them.
There was also a sumo wrestling game where people put on inflatable suits, as well as corn toss and a dancing floor set up near Cupertino’s.
“It’s been great, I got some bread, and there was a fire alarm for 20 minutes. There was music outside while we waited,” said Mary Elizabeth Savage, a freshman theology and catechetics major.
Savage also explained that she was “looking forward to the sumo wrestling” but was unable to compete due to the fact the game was canceled after an unforeseen injury occurred.
Madeline Merkel, wife of an ASJ brother and senior education major, said, “I love the festival, and am excited to support my household.”
“My favorite part about it is talking with my friends,” said Ellie Pierre, a senior humanities and catholic culture major.
A senior business management major and ASJ brother Dylan O’Sullivan advertised the T-shirts his household was selling. He said the design was drawn by senior Grace Raney.
Noah Ryan, a junior theology catechetic major, joked that the reason the event wasn’t held on the actual solemnity was because ASJ wanted “to extend the celebration.”