Freshman English class dramatizes literary works


On Oct. 28, Dr. Mary Ann Sunyoger’s freshman English class, ENG 103C, analyzed literary works through the medium of dramatic presentations. Each group creatively critiqued a literary work, with some students dressing up as the characters depicting the setting of the work. One of the groups emailed questions to the author concerning his intentional use of writing strategies and received a response. The purpose of the presentations was to discuss the style of the author and to connect the writing strategies to the textbook used for the course. The analyses presented by the groups were inspirational, informative, and quite enjoyable.

Maria Manzano, Caleb Swicker, Paul Henley, Courtney Hickey, Billy Wohrle , Bridget Delaney (l-r)  “A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood” by Judith Cofer
Photo by Dr. Sunyoger. Left to right: Maria Manzano, Caleb Swicker, Paul Henley, Courtney Hickey, Billy Wohrle and Bridget Delaney present “A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood” by Judith Cofer
Photo by Dr. Sunyoger. Left to right: Joseph Gallagher, John-Francis Ellis, Isaac Bennet, Claire Kehoe, and Anna Dlugosz  present “The Storm This Time” by David Helvarg
Photo by Dr. Sunyoger. Left to right: Joseph Gallagher, John-Francis Ellis, Isaac Bennet, Claire Kehoe, and Anna Dlugosz present “The Storm This Time” by David Helvarg
Photo by Dr. Sunyoger. Left to right: Caeli Welker, Jaymee Libetti, Hannah Stoutz and Lauren LeClair, Emily Herrmann present “Life, Death and Spring” by Gary Kamiya
Photo by Dr. Sunyoger. Left to right: Caeli Welker, Jaymee Libetti, Hannah Stoutz and Lauren LeClair, Emily Herrmann present “Life, Death and Spring” by Gary Kamiya