FUSG allocates $3,000 for Grad Week


More funds for Grad Week were among the several bills passed by Franciscan University Student Government during its formal meeting April 24.

Spring Bill 79 allocated an additional $3,000 to Student Government for Grad Week expenses. According to the bill, Student Government had originally allocated itself $10,000 for the Grad Week events but was forced to cut down to $7,000 to pass the entire budget. The new allocation would bring the overall Grad Week budget to $10,000.

Student Government allocated $1,500 in Spring Bill 81 to purchase a Chesterton Reading Bench for campus. The bench will also feature a reading box to store books and will be installed by the end of summer, the bill said.

The Knights of the Holy Queen received $250 from Spring Bill 82 to buy pizza for its Rosary Crusade event. The pizza would be for a showing of “Power in My Hands,” a feature film presented by the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate.

Also during the meeting:

Spring Bill 76 allocated $150 to fund shuttles from campus to the First Friday on Fourth event on May 3.

Spring Bill 77 gave Student Government $35.99 to purchase a battery charger set to replace one that was lost earlier this semester.

Spring Bill 75 reimbursed Internal Auditor Alex McKenna $30 for his purchase of doughnuts for Student Government’s Hilltop Cleanup.

Spring Bill 80 recognized the Militia Immaculate as a Student Government club.

Student Government will meet for the last time on May 1 at 11 a.m. in the St. Leo Room.