FUSG allocates funds for budget meeting


After going two weeks without meeting, Franciscan University Student Government (FUSG) met Nov. 9 to discuss amendments to their bylaws and allocate funds for their biannual budgeting meeting.

Having not met since Oct. 19 due to Fall Break and a lack of proposed legislation, FUSG began the meeting with the recitation of the Prayer of St. Francis and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Vice President Clare McCallan then called for the treasurer’s report from Treasurer Danny Butters. Butters announced that the contingency fund currently holds $36,867.96. During the committee reports that followed immediately afterwards, Sen. Samantha Martinez reported that the finance committee had met to discuss Fall Bill #27 with amendments.

When the meeting moved to the consideration of new legislation, Sen. Stephen Shaw, chair of the rules and order committee, introduced Fall Bill #26 for consideration by the cabinet. The purpose of this bill was to change language in Article 5 of the current FUSG bylaws.

The bill proposed to change the language in Section 5, Subsection 4 of that section to read, “A vote on Student Government approval for a club shall not occur until the Vice President of Student Life has confirmed that the club has been approved by the University to operate on campus.”

The current language says, “…until the Vice President of Student Life has approved the constitution.”; the proposed changes would be more concise in regards to the process of recognizing new clubs. The bill was approved without opposition.

Sen. Martinez then formally introduced Fall Bill #27, which sought to allocate $200 to Student Government for the biannual budgeting meeting on Nov. 14 that all senators and club representatives are required to attend.

During discussion of the bill, Sen. Martinez remarked that because this meeting has lasted around three hours on previous discussions, it will be necessary for Student Government to provide food and drinks for those attending.  The bill passed without objection.

Later on in the meeting, President Jack Scanlon announced that there would be a special election held to fill a recently vacated sophomore seat.

FUSG will next meet Nov. 16.