FUSG begins semester with new executive assistant

Danielle Huber
Staff Writer

Franciscan University Student Government (FUSG) swore in a new executive assistant for the spring semester at its first meeting of the semester Wednesday.

Senior Joshua Costello joined senior FUSG President Alex McKenna’s executive branch as the new executive assistant after senior John Paul Anthony resigned at the end of the fall 2021 semester.

Spring bills 2-4 recognized additional new FUSG members: senior Monica Forsthoefel, FUSG historian; sophomore Danielle Markle, FUSG Austrian ambassador; and junior Emily Heffernan, FUSG Austrian console.

Other Bills:

  • Spring Bill No. 5 reimbursed $41 to junior Mary Catherine Prostejovsky for the purchase of supplies for Midnight Madness in the fall semester.
  • Spring Bill No. 6 allocated $275 to Events staff for their work at the 75th jubilee celebration Dec. 5.
  • Spring Bill No. 7 re-allocated $700 from Fall Bill No. 7 to senior Evelyn Nick for her CFL capstone project speaker fee, which was previously used for the canceled Color Run’s T-shirts and powder.
  • Spring Bill No. 8 allocated $48.60 to the Murder Mystery Club for printing fliers in the fall.

Senior FUSG Treasurer Molly Propson said contingency funds amount to $25,749 due to FUSG not allocating or refunding money before this meeting.

Junior Sen. Preston Pelishek and sophomore Sen. Emilia DeGroat received the best dressed awards of the meeting.

Senior Secretary Emily Adams was excusd from Wednesday’s meeting.

The next FUSG meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 11 a.m. in the St. Leo room.