By Peter Baugher
Distribution Manager
Franciscan University Student Government (FUSG) met in the Student Offices in the J.C. Williams Center for their regular weekly meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 25.
Treasurer Junior Pat Hardy said that FUSG has “around $7,100 in contingency.”
Sen. Sammons said that the FUSG finance committee met for the first time since the last FUSG meeting.
FUSG discussed Fall Bill 23, which allocated $216 for Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) to build a Berlin Wall.
Students will be able to spray paint the wall throughout the week, and YAF will knock the wall down on Nov. 9th to commemorate the fall of the Berlin wall on Nov. 9th, 1989.
The bill passed without objection.
FUSG denied funding for Knight of Columbus to host a movie night to watch the movie Becket by rejecting Fall Bill 24.
Sen. Joseph Pendergast said that he has heard that “the movie Becket contains inappropriate material that student government should not support.”
The senate tabled Fall Bill 26, which allocated money for the coffee club for the rest of the semester.
Fall Bill 28 passed, which reallocated $900 from the FUSG budget for Feast Day Celebrations to a new FUSG budget to buy 150 chapel veils and 150 rosaries from Glad Trad LLC.
During the president’s comments, Pres. Denley that “Fr. Jonathan, who is the person who is in charge of overseeing the plans for the renovation of Christ the King, mentioned that he would like to speak to student government directly, and give his reasons for why renovation are the best way forward for the university and also the students.”
Denley said he had not told Fr. Jonathan “yes” yet but asked senators to let him know if they have any objections.
“That was what I actually suggested to him, that, maybe instead of having a student government meeting, we have an event, in which Fr. Jonathan or Dr. Dentino, like a panel, could answer questions about why we are not having a new chapel,” said Denley.
Denley added, “Which, by the way, I think would be a better opportunity to grill them about certain things, but anyway.”