By Leo Schafer and Peter Lim
Business Manager and Staff Writer
Franciscan University Student Government (FUSG) swore in three new internally elected senators at its meeting at 11 a.m. meeting on Wednesday.
Senior Liam Fanning, junior George Mead and junior Joe Prendergast were elected by current FUSG members. At the meeting, the three were sworn in by Chief Justice Emilia DeGroat and welcomed by Duarte.
The meeting also saw three funding resolutions passed by the Senate, with a total allocation for the week of $1,000.
Spring Bill 10 allocated an additional $650 to Juventutem to cover rental fees for the Fr. Ripperger Conference. This spending follows an initial $450 given to the club in Spring Bill 6, bringing the total cost of the conference to $1,100.
Spring Bill 9 concerned the allocation of funds for Mental Health Day. $200 was allocated to the Gemelli Society, half for five-dozen donuts “to give away to students” and half for a raffle prize.
Finally, Spring Bill 11 was passed, funding the Chess Club’s weekly pizza nights for the next three weeks, a total cost of $150. FUSG Treasurer Peter Sammons inquired why the funding only covered three weeks, to which Duarte responded that the club had only asked to be covered until spring break, after which further funding would be discussed.
The $1,000 allocated from the contingency this week brings the total amount of funding left for the semester to $6,645.
Encouragement for events around campus was also noted, such as Personal Vocation Week and the Job Internship Fair, which networks relationships in various fields.
Also discussed was an update on this year’s edition of Franciscan 40. FUSG President Jared Johnson relayed to the Senate that university chaplain the Rev. Shawn Roberson, T.O.R., has expressed support for the program, which has an estimated launch date within the next week.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:34 a.m., 27 minutes after it was convened.
FUSG meets every Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the St. Leo Room of the J.C. Williams Center.