Danielle Huber
Staff Writer
Franciscan University Student Government (FUSG) spent over half of its remaining budget during Wednesday’s meeting, allocating $12,857.26 toward grad week and clubs.
Spring Bill 35 allocated $9,312.50 for grad week expenses. Grad week is to begin May 10 with a BBQ night, where food will be provided by Rubbin’ Butts food truck, and beer will be provided by Parkhurst for seniors age 21 and over.
May 11 will be a bar night, with Froelich’s Classic Corner providing food and drinks for seniors.
Two bills allocated funds for St. Thomas Society, a new academic club. Spring Bill 29 allocated $227.50 to purchase 10 copies of the book “The Intellectual and Spirit Condition Method” to be used during a talk by Michael Waldstein, who holds a doctorate in biblical theology.
Spring Bill 27 allocated $115.62 to buying snacks for the club’s bi-weekly meetings. The budget accounts for six meetings’ worth of snacks purchased throughout the semester.
Spring Bill 34 allocated $1,400 to senior Sophia Fernandez to pay for Indie artist Jordy Searcy to give a concert on campus. The date of the concert is to be determined.
Spring Bill 32 reallocated $427.50 from music to musical rights within the Franciscan University Musical Theatre Troupe.
Spring Bill 30 allocated $447.18 to FUSG for food and drink at the townhall meeting to be held March 8 at 5 p.m. in the Gentile Gallery. This is an open forum for students to ask questions about FUSG and university policies.
Senior Treasurer Molly Propson reported the contingency to be $18,122 and the total spent being $2,694.
Senior Sen. Maria Gontis was excused from the meeting.
FUSG meets Wednesdays at 11 a.m. in the St. Leo room.