Joan of Arc talk tells women how to be witnesses

Genevieve Stefanick
Staff Writer

An alumna of Franciscan University of Steubenville said that St. Joan of Arc changed history through her unique journey of faith in a talk Wednesday, Oct. 20, in the Fireside Lounge.

Kate Lesnefsky, mission support specialist at the Catholic nonprofit Vagabond Missions, gave a brief testimony on her personal relationship with the saint, followed by a brief history and some insight into her personal spiritual life.

Lesnefsky said St. Joan “decisively changed the course of history” by changing the course of the Hundred Years’ War as well as by her powerful individual journey of faith.

Throughout the talk, Lesnefsky emphasized that St. Joan’s immense courage was a result of her deep knowledge of who God is and who God made her to be.

Lesnefsky said women should take St. Joan as an example and truly own that it is “our soul that makes us unique.”

Lesnefsky said that everyone must follow God in her own special way, as well as live life as a “witness.”

Though not everyone will be a martyr, “we are all called to be … witnesses, especially in a way that the world doesn’t understand us,” Lesnefsky said.

Sophomore Theresa Renna said the talk was “super inspiring and engaging.

“I learned so much about St. Joan that I had never known before!” said Renna. “At the end we all prayed a beautiful prayer to St. Joan together. I’m so glad I went!”

The event was hosted by Women’s Ministry as a part of the program that explores a different female saint each month.