Kate Lesnefsky shares tips for discernment

By Grace Simcox
Staff Writer

Kate Lesnefsky shared her tale of coming to discern her vocation and practical tips for others to do so on Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. in the Gentile Gallery.

“Nothing’s going to feel like Heaven until we’re in Heaven,” said Lesnefsky. 

She began by emphasizing that personal vocation is not choosing between “this” or “that,” which would imply that it is a one-time decision; rather, she claimed it to be a lifelong journey and an ongoing process.  

Lesnefsky defined a personal vocation as “the unique way God is calling you to build His Kingdom.” She asserted that vocation is a matter between us, God and the people around us.  

It can be easy to over-spiritualize the matter, so she provided four pieces of advice to apply to our discernment. 

“First, trust His plan for you. Second, set aside time for the Lord whether it be a month or a semester in which you commit to a relationship with Him alone; this is the suggestion commonly known as a dating fast,” explained Lesnefsky. 

“Third, offer your brokenness to the Lord. And lastly, invest in community,” continued Lesnefsky. 

Lesnefsky explained that her own discernment was anchored on Jeremiah 29:11, which says, “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you – oracle of the Lord – plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.” 

“Have you ever been encouraged to anchor your discernment on a Bible verse to return to amidst the fluctuations between it resembling a calm sea, while other times configuring as the relentless, crashing waves that deny even one breath of air from the surface?” asked Lesnefsky. 

“It’s always a sense of stepping out into the unknown regarding vocation,” explained Lesnefsky.