Knights of Columbus show Mother Teresa documentary

By Thomas Schmiesing
Staff Writer

Nearly 50 students assembled in the Gentile Gallery for the showing of “Mother Teresa: No Greater Love,”, an event organized by Franciscan University’s Knights of Columbus chapter on Sept. 17 at 6 p.m.

Technical difficulties made for a short delay that allowed students to enjoy pizza and socialize before the two-hour journey through the life of Mother Teresa and the work of the Sisters of Charity.

A Knights of Columbus film written and directed by David Naglieri and produced by Tim Moriarty, “Mother Teresa: No Greater Love” is an admixture of dramatic reenactments, interviews, real-life footage and audio recordings of Saint Mother Teresa.

The film covered the pivotal moments in Mother Teresa’s life, such as her initial calling, her international fame, her friendship with Pope Saint John Paul II and her hidden spiritual darkness.

The film showed how the Sisters of Charity minister to those people at the bottom of society – the poorest of the poor in countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia, India, the Philippines, Rome and the Bronx.

The documentary portrayed how the Sisters feed, clothe and care for the impoverished, refugees, the sick and dying, those with special needs, drug addicts and AIDS victims.

The film also highlighted Mother Teresa’s great love for all people, her teachings on the value of each person and how these teachings affected her work and the work of her Order.

The documentary pointed out how Mother Teresa taught to “love until it hurts” and to respect all human life, seeing the face of Christ in every single person one meets.

Senior Maria Schmiesing said “It was very eye-opening … one of those things that puts life in perspective, making you zoom out and see the big picture so that your own worries and trials seem totally miniscule … it was really humbling.”