Marian Hall raises money for Fight the New Drug

Staff Writer

CORRECTION Oct. 12, 2014: Chiara Marcy’s job title was initially indicated as “resident director” of Marian Hall. However, Marcy is a resident assistant in Marian Hall. We are sorry for the mistake and confusion. 

Marian Hall held their first bake sale hall fundraiser on Thursday, Sept. 25 in the J.C. Williams Center.

Chiara Marcy, a resident assistant of Marian Hall, said she was inspired to begin the fundraiser after the success of a Residence Life fundraiser last year for relief efforts.

“I wondered what we might be able to raise if I had an entire hall behind a particular cause,” said Marcy.

Residents were asked to nominate charities that they were in support of and it was narrowed to the top five, which were then voted on. The winner was the organization Fight the New Drug.

Fight the New Drug is an anti-pornography organization that strives to combat the normalization of pornography by informing and educating both young people and adults on the scientific and social dangers involved with porn. They also have programs to aid those who struggle with porn and its effects.

Marian Hall residents baked all of the various goods sold at the fundraiser, from cookies to brownies and different breads. 100 percent of the proceeds were given to Fight the New Drug.

At the fundraiser table, Marian residents also encouraged students to write their reasons for being against porn on a whiteboard that read “I’m a #FIGHTER because…” with their individual reasons for being against pornography and the photos were put on Instagram with the hashtags “fighter” and “pornkillslove.” The official Fight the New Drug Instagram account saw these posts and re-posted them to their account.