Men bond over board games and beer


During the cold, snowy night of Thursday, Nov. 15, the Gentile Gallery was abuzz with men gathering together, beer or juice box in hand, for fellowship during Men’s Ministry’s Game Night.

Initially walking into the room at its start time of 9 p.m., the average attendee might have been surprised – or excited – to see the bright projected screen showing a Mariokart game. Below the screen were tables already set up, with each table hosting a different board game.

Men’s Ministry offered a variety of board games to play, from “Life” to “Ticket to Ride” to “Settlers of Catan.” Men from all parts of campus showed up, some even bringing their own board games to play with others. Guys started to fill the different tables of their favorite games, chatting over the much appreciated amenities provided by Men’s Ministry, such as the chips, juice boxes and beer.

As the night continued, one could hear animated shouts of joy and despair as one game turned for the worst or as another player’s plan succeeded unbeknownst to the others.

With the night ended, the men who attended appreciated the opportunity to get together.

Jacob Flores, junior, said, “I enjoyed hanging out with the guys from Men’s Ministry and core team the most.”

He continued to explain that he does not often have the “opportunity to hang out with them because of obligations for classes and such.”

Surely the men who attended, and even those who could not, look forward to the next event with Men’s Ministry following Thanksgiving Break.