Franciscan University’s Men’s Ministry team hosted its October Drink and Discuss event Oct. 14, providing the true combination for a memorable night: a brilliant speaker and free beer.
Jack Heemskerk, managing director of IT at the Apostolate for Family Consecration, shared his valuable thoughts concerning an identity as a true man of Christ, an ideology bolstered by his experience as a consecrated lay missionary under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Heemskerk described how a shortage of Christ truly crippled his life, before explaining how free will necessitates a commitment to Christ.
“I wasn’t aware of this deficiency in my heart,” said Heemskerk. “There was something lacking. … Faith doesn’t just happen; it’s something you have to exercise.”
That choice, as described to the young men in attendance, must be reaffirmed daily.
“We were baptized when we were a baby, and we didn’t have much of a say,” said Heemskerk. “But we have a say in it now.”
Heemskerk further stressed that this acknowledgement of one’s saved nature is useful in the salvation of souls, in that “Christians should be known for their passion” as much as for their doctrine.
Through it all, Heemskerk, the self-described “Walmart greeter of evangelization,” allowed his infectious enthusiasm to permeate his words. He stressed redemption in Christ alone.
“God loves you too much for you to be successful without him,” continued Heemskerk. “You won’t truly rise until it’s in him.”
Joseph Duran, junior communications major, enjoyed the talk because of its immediate relevancy to Franciscan’s campus.
“The talk was truly genuine,” said Duran. “He applied our commonly known identity to our hearts.”
Steven Edwards, junior marketing major, said he felt a personal connection to Heemskerk’s words.
“I felt like God was answering the questions I was asking, through Jack,” said Edwards. “The experience was moving.”
Heemskerk’s message was a selfless one, one necessary for the whole world.
“I want God to destroy the me that’s in me, so that there’s no more me left in me,” he said.
More God, less man.