Photo by Elena Mirus
Christopher Dacanay
Distribution Manager
Franciscan University of Steubenville’s branch of the Militia Immaculata prayed for the conversion of the Church’s enemies during a holy hour in Christ the King Chapel at 9 p.m. Wednesday.
The holy hour, which was presided over by the Rev. Daniel Maria Klimek, TOR, was open to the public as well as Militia Immaculata members. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was the primary focal point, which lasted for nearly the entire hour. The event began with praise and worship music and transitioned into a brief meditation.
After the meditation, Klimek addressed the attendees and spoke about the history and goal of the Militia Immaculata. Klimek noted how the “politically turbulent times” of anti-Catholic discrimination, during which St. Maximilian Kolbe founded the original Militia Immaculata, are strikingly similar to today.
When recalling his talk later, Klimek said, “There have been many desecrations of churches (and other recent attacks against the Church). … We are called to be warriors in this spiritual battle. … We are called by our prayers and fasting and sacrifices to work for the conversion of souls, especially those who are doing these (attacks).”
Following Klimek’s talk, attendees prayed the rosary, which was led by members of the Militia Immaculata. This was followed by benediction and the singing of “Hail Holy Queen.”
Sophomore Will Sharp, president of the Militia Immaculata, said the Militia will hopefully host one holy hour per month to pray for the conversion of the Church’s enemies. Sharp said two of those upcoming holy hours will be held on Oct. 21 and Nov. 18.
Sharp also extended an invitation for anyone interested in the Militia Immaculata to attend its future meetings on Oct. 1 and Nov. 3 at 9 p.m. in the St. Leo room of the J.C. Williams Center. Topics of discussion will include Marian consecration and conversion.
Sophomore Lily McKeough, who sang for the holy hour, said, “I thought (the holy hour) was really good. I thought Father Daniel had a really good message about being on the offensive as the Militia Immaculata.”
Sophomore Ben Hooper played the guitar for the holy hour. He said the holy hour “was a really, really great experience.” His favorite aspects of the night were Klimek’s talk and the music.