Toward the end of the spring semester the Missionaries of Purity visited Franciscan University to recruit students to become active in the organization promoting healthy relationships and remaining pure for marriage.
Brian Beal, C.E.O. and director of Missionaries of Purity, said the mission of the Missionaries of Purity is “to inspire and educate youth to save the gift of sex until marriage. We seek to achieve this goal by recruiting, placing, and training outstanding young adults to become skilled healthy relationship educators.”
Beal explained the objective for recruiting at Franciscan University: “Missionaries of Purity is looking for the best collegiate talent to teach healthy relationship education. In my estimation Franciscan University is the premier place in the country to find recruits.”
The Missionaries of Purity table displayed job descriptions for students to become active and get involved. Two of the positions that were being offered were both public speaking opportunities—which included speaking at public schools in Pittsburgh.
Franciscan students gave feedback about Missionaries of Purity.
Meg Hruz said, “The goals of Missionaries of Purity are definitely in agreement with the kinds of values and image that Franciscan encourages here. I know that Franciscan is always trying to spread the message about healthy and pure relationships, and your group definitely seems to be reaching out and sharing that message in a positive way.”
Peter Burke said, “Considering the state of marriage, relationships and the rampant epidemic of cohabitation it absolutely is a growing concern. I would certainly hope the students can make a difference. Will their efforts completely stop the common practices of promiscuity? Most likely not, but even if one person can change their ideas about purity it’s well worth it.”
Andrea Frederickson, from the catechetics department at Franciscan University, said “there has been an increase and love for Theology of Body classes and a great desire in students to teach about purity and chastity.”
Beal said the students who are recruited by Missionaries of Purity are assuming part-time and full-time speaking opportunities with women help centers to speak in Pittsburgh public schools.
“Our missionaries have spoken to over 40,000 teams since 2011,” said Beal. “Many more speakers are needed for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year.”
For more information, visit or the Missionaries of Purity Facebook page.