Five senators and two justices were sworn in during Franciscan University Student Government’s (FUSG) weekly business meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 8.
The meeting began with the approval of minutes, followed by the treasurer’s report, at which time Treasurer Danny Butters announced that the contingency fund is currently sitting at $11,370.27. He added that while he did not know the exact amount, he expects an new allocation of funds from the university in the area of $30,000.
The meeting then moved to the introduction of new legislation. Only one new bill was presented. Fall Bill #10 called for $1,000 to be allocated to the Outdoors Club for their ski trip to the Hidden Valley Ski Resort on Feb. 19. The money will be used to be used to purchase lift tickets and ski rentals for those going on the trip. The bill was passed unanimously.
The meeting then progressed to the special election for the five senate vacancies on FUSG. Three students ran for the single senior seat, three ran for two junior seats, and four students ran for the two sophomore seats. Chief Justice Ben Idzik passed out the ballots and explained how the election would work. The candidates each had three minutes to speak to the sitting senators and make their individual cases.
Once all the candidates had voted, the seven sitting senators voted for each vacant position, after which Idzik tabulated the votes outside of the St. Leo Room, where the meeting was being held. While the votes were being counted, the meeting proceeded on with the president’s comments. President Jack Scanlon thanked all the candidates for coming to the meeting and being willing to serve the university in this way.
It was then that Chief Justice Idzik returned with the final results and announced the winners of the special election. Marianna Schmiesing was elected the new senior senator, Catherine Clemente and Matt Talbot the new junior senators and the new sophomore senators were Rebecca Doloski and Gabe Gessler. All members of FUSG and those in attendance congratulated the new senators before Idzik called them to the front of the room, along with the newly appointed justices Connor Kleb and Catherine Swope, to take the oath of office. The meeting was then adjourned.
FUSG will next meet Feb. 15 at 11 a.m. in the St. Leo Room.