New student club recognized at FUSG meeting


A new club received formal recognition at Franciscan University Student Government’s weekly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 22.

The meeting opened with roll call, followed by the treasurer’s report.Treasurer Danny Butter announced that the contingency fund now sits at $51,027.99 after finally receiving the new allocation from the university.

Secretary Victoria Schimmer followed with the secretary’s report and announced that some clubs still did not have a representative and encouraged senators to take a look to see which clubs they could represent.

Spring Bill #11 was the only piece of new legislation introduced at the meeting. It called for the formal recognition of the Franciscan University Triathlon Club by Student Government, which would allow the club to receive funding from Student Government. Representing the club was Maris Bey, president.

Freshman senator Daniel McNichol, the bill’s sponsor, spoke in favor of the bill before moving to the previous question.  The bill was passed unanimously.

Following the passing of the bill, Student Government adviser David Schmiesing made his bi-annual appeal to the body not to forget what their mission is as members of Student Government. During his remarks, Schmiesing said members should keep in mind that they are representatives of the entire student body, not just Student Government. Schmiesing also reminded the body of the different powers they have, including the ability to make advisory resolutions, should they choose to do so.

Vice President Clare McCallan made a few remarks towards the end of the meeting concerning dialogue during the discussion of bills. She reminded the body that what is spoken is recorded in the minutes, so it is necessary to discuss bills in order to be completely transparent. The meeting was then adjourned.

Student Government will next meet March 1 at 11 a.m. in the St. Leo Room.