Outreach groups planning expansions for next semester


Students for Life is absorbing the Life Values department of the Catechetical Institute to join outreach forces, and they are looking for students to get involved in every area.

Sophomore Cassidy Roderick, President of Students for Life (SFL), led the Life Values weekly meeting at 8:30 on Nov. 7 in the International Lounge to outline their new plans for the Spring 2018 semester.

“Students for Life is really pushing and challenging people to embrace pro-life as a way of life,” Roderick said. “That involves going out and proclaiming the truth and beauty of the dignity of the human person to our schools, to the people around us and to our communities. And that looks like getting involved in any capacity that you can.”

For students interested in proclaiming that truth, the Life Values, Core Values and Development branches of SFL are focusing on training students to become better speakers. These branches are working with the Catechetical Institute to develop online training programs that will enable students to speak on Catholic issues.

This opportunity is for anyone who “dreams of being a confident speaker,” said Roderick, most especially for students who want to teach theology or other Catholic issues. Life Values is assembling a Core Team of members with public speaking experience “who really have a passion for this” and will guide students as they learn to catechize, said Roderick.

SFL’s Marketing and Communications Department is also looking for students to help with the movement through social media and journalism platforms. They are especially looking to train people for video editing, “So if you have any interest in getting involved in anything, there’s a spot for you,” said Roderick.

SFL will also have a spirituality branch, focused on keeping the organization grounded in prayer and mission.

Graduate student Michael Graul said he served with NET ministries for two years and wanted to share the public speaking skills he had learned with others “to change the world. … That’s literally our job.”

Konner Kloster, a first semester graduate student, expressed his interest in joining the mission saying, “I have been given a voice, and it’s my duty to share that voice.”