Presidential Candidates Interview: Elise Langlois and Nick Smith

By Peter Elijah Lim
Staff Writer

1. How do you plan to embody your slogan and how did you create it?

Elise & Nick: Instead of a slogan, we decided to go straight with our four main campaign points and those are advocacy, approachability, athletics, and fun.

2. What’s your experience working with Student Government and the Franciscan community?

Elise: I was involved in Student Government sophomore year as a justice and I am in Carae Domini Household, as well as Christian Students in Free Enterprise.

Nick: I have worked for the past two years in the Student Engagement Center, where I became the top supervisor this year. I was involved with lots of planning and serving the students on campus. I have also taken part in SENT ministries, the admissions team, and was president of the Baron Brigade last year.

3. What are your main campaign goals? What steps will be taken to achieve these goals?

Elise & Nick: Our main goal is to create an environment where students can bring their comments and concerns to Student Government. Our main goals are Advocacy, Approachability, Athletics, and Fun. Advocacy and Approachability involve keeping the Student Government Port page up to date with passed bills; creating Instagram polls for events which would let students decide on food, T-shirt designs, and more; and having discussion meetings in which students can talk to members of student government about their ideas and concerns. The goal of Athletics involves increasing support for student athletes in numerous ways including by bringing back the Baron Brigade, which cheers for our sports teams, having ice machines accessible for athletes 24/7, enhancing student spirit on campus by promoting student presence at games, and advocating for better access to more equipped athletic trainers. The goal of Fun involves partnering with students to bring their ideas to life on campus, having a 24 hour free coffee bar during exam weeks in the JC, working with the student engagement center to plan events for the student body, and hosting new events. These events could include a parking lot party in the new parking lot complete with live music, food, and household fundraising, a color run, language and culture nights, drive in movies, and sports tournaments for non-intramural sports like soccer and football.

4. Are there any campus rules or regulations that you feel need to be changed and how? (visitation hours, restrictions of academic or gym hours, etc.)

Elise & Nick: As students, we agree longer visitation and building hours would be very nice; however, through experience in Student government, we also know it is not entirely in our hands and is more of an administration decision. However, if we are ever given a chance to advocate for longer hours in general on campus, we most definitely would.

5. What kind of events do you have planned for the Franciscan community?

Elise & Nick: We definitely plan to bring back the Baron Blasts and we also have some other events planned; however, we do also want to leave room for student event ideas so that we would be able to fund those as well.

6. What makes your campaign different from other campaigns?

Elise & Nick: Every campaign this year definitely is very different and has a unique set of goals and a unique campaign focus.

7. How do you hope to create a lasting impact if you are elected as President and Vice President?

Elise & Nick: We hope to change the environment surrounding student government and make it more approachable to students so that it can operate to its full potential and serve the student body better in the future.