Saturday afternoon dorm open hours under consideration

Danielle Huber

Staff Writer

Student Life is considering adding Saturday afternoons to dorm open hours for Lord’s Day, according to the vice president of Student Life.

David Schmiesing, vice president of Student Life, said that because of the drop in COVID-19 cases, Student Life is considering adding Saturday afternoons to open hours for  Lord’s Day.

Face coverings will be required during Lord’s Day for households meeting in their common rooms. As for limited capacities, that is still up to discussion.

“The university is considering visitation hours on Saturday afternoons so that households could hold Lord’s Day celebrations in the residence halls. Details related to COVID are still being worked out,” said Schmiesing.

Fourteen new COVID-19 cases among student and faculty have occurred on campus this past week ending Tuesday afternoon; however, this is an improvement compared to previous weeks, according to the Franciscan University of Steubenville Coronavirus Dashboard.

The endgame for COVID-19 regulations is graduation, Schmiesing said. The goal is to enable parents to see their children graduate in person in May.

Schmiesing also suggested to Student Government that the free hour — without scheduled classes — on Monday, Wednesday and Friday be changed from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. Benefits would include gaining classroom space for meetings at those times.

Senator David Hahn argued against the suggestion, saying students would be tired from school by 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. and clubs will not have a chance to meet due to students’ personal time.

Senator Mary Catherine Prostejovsky agreed with the 11 a.m. time because it allows students to eat lunch or pray between classes.

The motion to move the free period is still up for discussion.

The tent outside the J.C. Williams Center will be coming back in about two weeks for eating and socializing, but not for events.

Spring Bill 21 was passed to grant the International Coffee Club $38.07 to experiment with Turkish brewing techniques.

The treasury report for this week was $31,013.

Vice President Clement Harrold thanked Treasurer Jack Greve for personally delivering food to quarantined students, which was made possible by funding.

The next Student Government meeting will be held in the International Lounge in the J.C. Williams Center next Wednesday at 11 a.m.