Speaker explains abortion’s effect on the African American community


Photo by: Daniel O’Loughlin

On Wednesday, April 3, at 7 p.m., a Pennsylvania political candidate spoke in the Gentile Gallery to students about abortion’s effect on the African American community.

Kim Mack, a candidate for Pennsylvania’s 18th congressional district seat, explained the strategy of Planned Parenthood to target the African American community. She brought attention to how Planned Parenthood locations are most often found in poor black, Hispanic and white communities and that “you will never find a Planned Parenthood in an upscale neighborhood.”

Mack especially impressed upon the audience the devastating effects of abortion, saying that “more black babies die every year (from abortion) than from every other cause.” She even called abortion “black genocide.”

Mack also discussed the general dangers of abortion drugs such as RU-486 and contraceptives. She showed the negative health effects on the women who take them, including the increased risk of breast cancer, suicidal thoughts and depression.

Explaining the value of human sexuality, Mack encouraged the audience to be responsible with sex and parenting. She told them, “If you don’t want to be fruitful and multiply, wait!” Speaking to the value of the woman, especially her womb, Mack said that “no one should be able to raid the temple.”

Showing the different ways that Planned Parenthood encourages the culture of death, Mack explained how Planned Parenthood “encourage(s) people to relationships that bear no fruit,” referring to same-sex relationships. More explicitly, she said, “that’s why they push the LGBTQ agenda.” Bemoaning the movement, Mack said that “we are allowing mental illness and pure evil to warp our thinking.”

Mack notes the contradictory ethics of those who support Planned Parenthood. She showed how “they care more about animals than babies.” Mack, referencing recent legislation, sarcastically expressed issue with the idea that “you can go to jail for abusing an animal, but it is fine to kill your baby.” She encouraged the audience to promote the truth about abortion, though she warned them that those who are pro-abortion “will call you everything but a child of God.”

Those who attended appreciated the opportunity to hear the talk, and an “Amen!” heard from several students during the talk. Afterward, students asked Mack questions about the pro-life cause.

John Murphy, sophomore, said that he “thought that it was a very informative talk about an area of the abortion debate that is not talked about a lot, especially on this campus.”

The talk was sponsored by Students for Life.