Speaker shares testimony of fight against pornography, despite technical difficulties


On Thursday, April 11, students came to the Gentile Gallery to learn about a new series on pornography but instead left inspired by a personal testimony of one man’s fight against porn.

Bob Siemens started the event by introducing the main theme of the talk: “Brain, Heart, World.” This referred to a new three-part series by Fight the New Drug, a group focused on fighting the scourge of pornography on the culture. This series, Siemens said, shows how pornography negatively affects the brain, heart and world.

While Siemens hoped to show one of the videos from the series, those in the Gentile Gallery were only able to see a blank blue screen. Due to the technical difficulties, Siemens decided to share his testimony and how he came to also fight against the scourge of pornography.

Siemens, in his testimony, explained how — when he was growing up — “There was a greater and greater rise of internet pornography.” Seeing this rise, Siemens said, “I had a passion to fight it.”

At the end, Siemens exhorted the audience members to not hide their sins but to open them for healing, saying that the Lord says to every person: “Nothing is too dark that my light cannot penetrate.”

Siemens noted other sources of information on the damage of pornography, such as “The Art of Manliness” series on pornography, later published as an e-book. During a Q&A period, he noted good apps to help with the fight against pornography, such as Covenant Eyes and Victory. He also promoted the support groups available on campus for men and women who struggle with masturbation and pornography.

Before the event started, beer and other drinks were provided to the students who attended. Even with the technical difficulties, students appreciated the time to drink together, discuss the issue of pornography and hear Siemens’ testimony.

This event was hosted by Men’s Ministry.