The Students for Life Club held its information meeting on Nov. 2 at 9 p.m. President Cassidy Roderick began the meeting by stating that the original plan of the evening was to have only the officers present, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, she felt called to invite more people. The International Lounge was packed tightly, with over 40 people at the meeting.
Roderick explained that the club would like to expand its outreach branch because the club attendance rate has dropped dramatically. With this expansion, the club leaders have come up with ways to spark interest and branch out to specific types of students. The club now contains specific groups that handle different issues, like marketing, broadcasting and the video-editing department, with the hope that students who are interested in those departments will also be interested in the club.
Roderick said that she updated the life values of the club to expand into the relationship club members have with each other because “being pro-life is so much more than a single issue.”
Club Vice President Thomas Mosier, senior, educated the room about how the club updated their core values to extend the mission to college campuses. In doing this, students who want to be part of apologetics and are more interested in the one-on-one aspect of the club can take part in an issue that works for them.
Freshman and business major Matt Murphey said, “I am glad to see that Students for Life is expanding its attempts to educate people about, and to fight, the evil of abortion and how its wicked influence has poisoned our culture. I am happy to be part of this club.”
Overall, the meeting was very educational and sparked a desire to support the club in the hearts of those in attendance. On Monday, Students for Life will have another meeting at 11 a.m. in the International Lounge.