Student Government allocates $2,000 to Baron Blast

Veronica Novotny

At its meeting Wednesday, April 20, Franciscan University Student Government (FUSG) passed a bill giving $2,000 to an upcoming Baron Blast.

Spring Bill 92 was amended to reallocate the funds from Spring Bill 35, which previously allocated $10,000 to Grad Week.

According to senior Treasurer Molly Propson, Vice President of Student Life Dan Dentino pledged to contribute $5,000 to Grad Week, which freed up half of the FUSG funds allocated to Grad Week.

The amended Spring Bill 92 reallocated $2,000 from Spring Bill 35 to the April 23 and 26 Baron Blasts.

Senior Sen. Jonathan Meinholz and junior Sen. Maria Sammons opposed the bill for its lack of an itemized budget; it was the only bill not passed unanimously.

Propson said the funds were going into a group fund that Student Life and Athletics also add to, which is why the bill did not include an itemized list of expenses.

Senior Vice President Joshua Schutte said that Baron Blast is being closely monitored by the Student Life administration.

At the request of Meinholz and Sammons, Propson reported that FUSG allocated a total of $3,609.12 in the fall semester and budgeted $1359 to Baron Blast in the spring semester, which has already been spent.

Other business, all passed unanimously:
Spring Bill 89 ratified three amendments to the FUSG by-laws concerning fines related to campaign materials, statute reform about considering initiatives highlighted by Franciscan dorm councils and the ratification of the new student welfare committee. Amendment 1 reduced the amount of fines given for improper campaign materials to a minimum of $3 per item and a maximum of $100 per complaint. This amendment came about in light of a March 29 hearing against juniors Jared Johnson and Caleb Rider — who were then candidates and have since been elected future president and vice president — for improper placement of 44 fliers on tables in the J.C. Williams Center, which resulted in a $440 fine against the two students.
Spring Bill 90 allocated $600 to FUSG for printing services to cover the rest of the semester.
Spring Bill 91 was inserted to allocate $210 for the purchase of seven award plaques to be awarded at the Graduation Banquet May 12.
Spring Bill 93 allocated funds to FUSG’s Hilltop Cleanup April 23, which was mandatory for all members of FUSG unless otherwise excused.
At the beginning of the meeting, Propson reported the contingency to be $1,271.76, and total funds spent was $13,376.46.

Senior President Alex McKenna and senior Executive Assistant Joshua Costello were excused from the meeting.

FUSG will meet for the last time Wednesday, May 4, at 11 a.m. in the St. Leo Room.