Student Government met to discuss reallocation of funds to Young Americans of Freedom (YAF) while also discussing the possibility of purchasing Bibles for the Portiuncula in the near future.
Student Government was able to pass Fall Bill 35, which reallocated $1,000 to YAF for the upcoming showing of Rick Santorum’s latest movie in the international room in the J.C. Williams Center.
Rick Santorum will also be holding a question and answer period after the showing, which is part of what YAF originally requested funds for.
Due to the normal price, which is charged for Santorum to speak, the stipend that was requested was very low and affordable. However, the circumstances of the showing and talk changed causing YAF to request a reallocation of funds.
Initially, there was some debate as to whether the reallocation should be passed or whether the funds should be returned to Student Government. It was then mentioned that YAF was merely asking permission to use funds already allotted to them for a different purpose. Because of this, the bill was eventually passed unanimously.
Fall Bill 33, which deals with whether Student Government should purchase four Bibles for the Portiuncula. The current Bibles in the Port are deteriorating and there are only two. Because of this, many students have put forth the opinion that Student Government should purchase new Bibles.
The argument was made by Senator Pultorak that it is not proper that Student Government spends over $2,000 on Midnight Madness, but cannot afford Bibles for the Port.
Although the bill was popularly accepted, it was tabled in the end until a more informed decision could be made.
Fall Bills 32 and 34 were also passed dealing with Student Catholic Liturgy Club’s request for funding of the visiting Rev. Christian Capes and the reimbursement of student Theresa Corder, who footed the bill for the Anime Club’s opening event.
In the near future, Student Government will be discussing potentially shuttling rides to the airport for Thanksgiving break and the possibility of new Bibles for the Port.