Franciscan University Student Government passed four bills Feb. 25 concerning shuttle transportation for students over spring break, reallocation of funds for Students for Life and funding for the Franciscan ultimate Frisbee team.
The first bill passed concerned shuttle funding. Shuttle services to Pittsburgh International Airport have proven to be helpful to the students in the past.
Spring Bill 25 allocates $1,088 that would fund rental fees for vans, gas money and compensation for the drivers. A requested donation of $5 from the students who use the service usually makes up for the majority of the expenses. This normally results in funding being returned to the contingency fund. The bill passed unanimously.
Student Government also discussed reallocation of funds to Students for Life for Derek Doroski’s talk “Truth of Contraceptives and Natural Family Planning” on Sunday, March 1. Doroski is an assistant professor of biology at Franciscan University. Spring Bill 24, a reallocation of $362, passed.
Lastly, Spring Bills 26 and 27, allocated funds to Franciscan University’s ultimate Frisbee team, FATAL to participate in the Division III Midwestern Collegial Tournament the weekend of Feb. 28-March1. FATAL will travel to Marion, Indiana, to compete against some of the top teams in the region.
Bill 26 was passed unanimously, and Bill 27 passed with a minor amendment.