Student Government elects new senators; funds YAF trip to political conference

Christopher Dacanay

Distribution Manager

Franciscan University Student Government convened Feb. 3 to elect incoming senators and to debate five bills, one regarding a conference trip for Young Americans for Freedom.

In attendance were 12 candidates, three representing each class level, who were running for a seat in the senate. They each gave a brief speech about why they should be elected.

After every candidate had spoken, members of Student Government voted in an internal election to determine the candidates who would become senators.

Six were elected: freshman Erin Whoriskey, sophomores Emilia DeGroat and Tanya McInnis, junior Mary Catherine Prostejovsky and seniors Brock Japsen and Caleb Rider.

Student Government also debated five bills, the most notable being Spring Bill 4, put forward by Senator Joshua Costello. The bill allocated $1,000 to Young Americans for Freedom to fund a trip to the Conservative Political Action Conference in late February.

The funds cover two nights of lodging in Florida for 10 YAF members. The bill was passed unanimously.

Another bill put forward was Spring Bill 5, sponsored by Senator Alex Casey. It allocates $250 to Student Government in order to purchase for the Wellness Center approximately 25 copies of the book “Unworried: A Life Without Anxiety” by Dr. Gregory Popcak. The bill passed unanimously.

Spring bills 6, 7 and 8 allocated $75, $75 and $91.79, respectively, and were sponsored by Casey. Bill 6 directed funds to a Student Government social media giveaway, and Bill 7 directed funds toward purchasing items for student clubs. Bill 8 reimbursed Vice President Clement Harrold for several purchases he made.

Bills 6 and 7 were passed unanimously. However, Bill 8 was met with a single, joking “Nay” from Senator Jared Johnson.

Student Government meets every Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the Seminar Room of the St. Joseph Center.