Danielle Huber
Business Manager
Newly appointed senators and one justice were inaugurated to fill the three vacant freshmen senator seats during Franciscan University Student Government meeting Wednesday.
The new freshmen senators are Amelia Abdalla, Faith Sirilla and Makena Wisniewski.
A special election was also held to fill in the council seats of the previous council members who are currently in Austria.
A special election involves the current student government members voting on candidates who will fill the vacant seats left by former council members.
The council members are Anthony Zeszut, senior; Preston Pelishek, junior; Maria Sammons, junior; and justice Elise Langlois, sophomore.
Bridget Whoriskey, junior serves as the Austrian Consul and Josh Costello, senior, serves as the Austrian Ambassador together they meet with head of student life in Austria, Brian Kissinger to discuss residence life for the following week. These positions were appointed to these individuals though vote by the senators during the meeting.
FUSG faculty advisor David Schmiesing said COVID cases are down by 20 cases than the week before.
FUSG allocated $208 to Veritas Society to help with the funding for faculty and student lunches throughout the semester. All are invited to attend.
FUSG allocated $139 to purchase gift baskets for students in quarantine. FUSG members will be decorating the brown paper bags and delivering them.
The Murder Mystery club, the Music Discovery club, and the Turning Point USA Chapter were permitted budgets by FUSG.
This week’s treasury report was $19,174.14. The amount that FUSG has spent this semester is $709.52.
FUSG Best Dressed awards go to senator James Duarte and secretary Emily Adams.
The next FUSG meeting will be held next Wednesday in the St. Leo room.
Updated Sept. 22, 2021.