Students dress in camo for Wounded Warrior Dance

Prince of Peace Wounded Warrior Dance
Prince of Peace Wounded Warrior Dance
Photo by James Kuepper
Prince of Peace Household hosts a dance in support of the Wounded Warrior Project.


Prince of Peace household had their first dance of the year on Friday, October 10 in the JC Williams Center.

The theme of the dance was “Wounded Warrior,” and guests were encouraged to wear camo and patriotic colors.

This is the first dance for the household. They traditionally do a car wash in order to raise funds for household expenses, but decided to do things a little differently this year.

“We decided last semester that we wanted to plan a dance and give part of the proceeds to the Wounded Warrior Project,” said coordinator Eddie Bardella. “A lot of PoP guys have ended up in the army or the marines, so this is a cause that means a lot to us.”

And because of the household’s devotion to the cause, they decided to donate all proceeds to the Wounded Warrior Project.

The area was decorated with red, white, and blue streamers and a poster of former president Ronald Regan. Almost all who attended were dressed in camo in support of the cause.

“I came mostly for the Wounded Warrior Project. I come from a military family and the WWP does so many great things, like helping veterans get jobs when they come home,” said senior Jennifer Riley.

Students danced the night away to various songs, from recent pop hits to fun 80s oldies.

The night was closed out on an appropriately patriotic note with Prince of Peace member Dominic Barceleau, who acted as the event’s DJ, playing Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” and “Proud to be an American.”