Students dressed in pajamas, onesies, sweat pants and the occasional cow suit meandered around the J.C. Williams Center on the evening of Friday, Feb. 15, to enjoy the food and fun of Pajama Rama from 8-11 p.m.
Steamers hung across the atrium and the scent of popcorn wafted through the air as students gathered to watch or partake in the many events of the night. In the main atrium, pairs of students battled each other with jousting sticks in an inflatable jousting arena or in fat-suits in a sumo wrestling ring.
Sophomore Dan Deal enjoyed the jousting matches, saying that he especially liked “watching AMDG guys go at it in the bouncy thing.”
Around 30 students convened in the Gentile Gallery at 9 p.m. for a Twister competition, which whittled down to a final three battling for victory in contorted poses. Junior Kira Steinbrecher, who won the contest for the second year in a row, joked, “I was only in it for the Texas Roadhouse $25 gift card.”
On the upper level of the J.C., students could try out popcorn and ice cream provided by Steubenville Popcorn Co. and breakfast sandwiches from Biscuit World. In the International Lounge, a photo booth was set up with a table full of fun props, and students made multiple trips to take goofy pictures with their friends.
For students who wanted to relax away from the crowd, the St. Leo room was set up with nostalgic movies from the 2000s such as “Shrek.”
Though the streamers were knocked down from the railings shortly before 11 and the event officially ended soon thereafter, students continued to linger in the J.C., squeezing in a last Twister game or a last bag of popcorn, some staying even until midnight.
“I think the event turned out great,” said junior Stephanie Kazmierczyk, incoming Exc!te president, who organized the event together with the outgoing Exc!te president, junior Bryan Calligan. “Lots of people came, and the chocolate milk and Capri Suns were a big hit! I hope it’s just as big a hit next time.”