Students throw birthday bash for director of households


Photo by Kendal Huntsman

The J.C. Williams Center buzzed with sound and excitement on Nov. 20, as students and faculty waited to surprise Bob Lesnefsky with a party for his 40th birthday. Lesnefsky, who serves as director of household life at Franciscan University, was kidnapped by the ministry team and taken to a celebration that lasted for hours.

Senior Karina Montague headed the event and began planning back in September. “Before then I had joked about it with him, but by that point I stopped joking” she said, “because I wasn’t kidding about it anymore.” Montague explained that the talent show set up idea seemed ideal because it would give him that “alone time” with each household who presented, making it more of a personal experience.

She continued, “I loved the image of him sitting in a huge chair with a crown, being showered with affirmation and dumb songs since it would make him really uncomfortable to receive that much praise and affection, but he’d also completely love it.”

Coordinators of each household had a few weeks to decide what the household wanted to present. Montague explained how people were taking it really seriously with writing “Bob songs,” making skits, choreographing dances, baking goodies, putting together spiritual bouquets and much more.

“We love Bob and his crazy welcoming personality and are so grateful for everything he does for household life on campus,” said freshman Faustina Habisohn, a member of Daughters of Divine Mercy household.

“Bob is a true servant,” said Montague.“He is generous with his time and never turns someone away who needs to talk.” She went on to explain how pure Lesnefsky’s understanding of the life is as St. Augustine once said, “love God and do as you will.” According to Montague, “Bob is the freest man I know. He loves the Father; he knows the Father is holding him. He is providing for his home and providing for households. He is doing as he wills.”