RACHEL MILLER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Well, lovely readers, this is not how we expected our semester to go. I am sad, frustrated, confused, angry, disappointed, uncertain. This is my last semester, and so much was left unfinished. I’mContinue Reading

RACHEL MILLER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF As many of you probably know by now, I am from the great state of Georgia, the heart of Coca-Cola country. If you go into certain restaurants near me and orderContinue Reading

Rachel Miller

RACHEL MILLER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF This summer, I pulled out all my old notebooks from my freshman through junior years at Franciscan in hopes of finding information useful for my thesis. I openedContinue Reading

ALLEGRA THATCHER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Are you traditional or charismatic? What’s your Myers-Briggs type? As a senior, I’ve heard my fair share of funny and bizarre conversations around campus. I’ve participated inContinue Reading