Talk aims to educate students on types of abortions

Stanley Colaço
Staff Writer

Students learned about six different types of abortions at an event in the J.C. Williams Center’s International Lounge Monday, Oct. 25, at 9:30 p.m.

The evening began with the Rev. Gregory Plow, TOR, leading the students in prayer. He advised the students to stay prudent and strong in their activism, noting that the devil is actively fighting against them.

The first talk of the series was called “Being Pro-life and Defending Against the Claim That ‘It’s Just a Clump of Cells.’”

Freshmen Lucia Hunt and Pablo Williams, both Right to Life Outreach officers, led the talk.

In discussing the six different types of abortions, Hunt and Williams clarified and pointed out different characteristics of each abortion and the babies on whom they would be performed.

Some of these points included the trimester, abilities and physical characteristics of each baby, taking special note of when the babies were able to survive outside the womb, when various organs began to operate and how the abortions would affect these characteristics.

They noted the tools being used in these abortions, processes as part of each procedure and how the legal system affects and intersects with the abortions.

After the talk, Hunt and Williams gave half an hour for discussion and questions. Students focused on the Catholic Church, the gospels and how to effectively use these as part of meaningful discussions on abortion.

“I think the talk was very eye-opening,” freshman Gabriel Laureano said. “I felt that it informed me about the processes of abortions that I didn’t know about.”

The event was hosted by Students for Life, a pro-life club and activist group on campus.
Throughout the semester there will be more talks and training sessions hosted by Students for Life.

“The goal of the talks is to educate and inform people about being pro-life in all circumstances,” Hunt said. “We want to convict the hearts and minds of people, to prepare them to be defenders of the pro-life mission in the real world.”