Veritas Society decides Lord’s Days should be abolished

By Thomas Schmiesing
Staff Writer

After an intense debate with many excellent arguments from both sides, the Veritas Society passed the motion to “Abolish Household Lord’s Days” 46 to 32, with seven constituents abstaining at 7 p.m. in the Gentile Gallery.

Joe Prendergast, a senior philosophy major, and Ian Jaskolka, a sophomore computer science major, spoke in affirmation of the motion.

They were opposed by Luke Barnes, assistant coordinator of Prodigal Sons household, and alumnus Jared Johnson.

The representatives affirming the motion centered their argument around the idea that household Lord’s Days are essentially Jewish Seder meals, which, being a prefigurement of the Last Supper, have no place as a Catholic liturgy.

They furthered their case by claiming that the centricity of the use of the articles of bread and wine in the Lord’s Day celebration is a disrespectful parody of the Eucharist.

The affirming side took all these arguments and other peripheral cases to make their point that Lord’s Days are improper religious ceremonies. They claimed that Lord’s Days should be abolished and replaced with a more Catholic alternative, such as praying the evening Vespers.

The representatives opposing the argument denied the affirmative side’s claims that the Lord’s Days are either Jewish ceremonies or parodies of the Eucharist. Rather, they argued that Lord’s Days are based on the Jewish Seder meal but are a distinctly Catholic ceremony.

They also refuted the claim that Lord’s Days are disrespectful towards the Eucharist. Barnes specifically stated that “Lord’s Days are not trying to be the Mass.”

Many students participated in the subsequent open floor discussions. The majority of these students spoke in opposition to the motion, claiming that Lord’s Days should be judged by the good fruits that they have produced.

There was also an appearance by the Rev. Gregory Plow, TOR, who explained the origins of Lord’s Days stemming from Catholic “covenant communities” and not the Jewish Seder meal.