The Gentile Gallery was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit as women were enlightened about their dignity in relationship at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 5.
In this second talk of the three-part “Made for More” series, two speakers discussed the role of women in the Bible and illuminated the mystery behind the mind of man.
Harold Burke-Sivers, permanent deacon of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, opened the night by delving into Scripture, examining the familiar Genesis story of the creation of man and woman. Through much translation from Hebrew to English, Burke-Sivers explained that women are supposed to be the battle partners ready to serve, protect and defend alongside their husbands. Explaining that God wanted to create a complementary partner for man, Burke-Sivers said “(He) used the rib from the side so that she’s equal in dignity before God.”
Bruke-Sivers then turned to Ephesians to discuss St. Paul’s take on marriage. People get the wrong message when they do not read the whole passage in context, he said.
Bruke-Sivers read the passage from Ephesians that says that wives must be subject to their husbands because the husband is the head of her and the family. He explained that though these verses sound hard on 21st century ears, the husband is the head of the family because he is the chief servant of the family, and husbands must die to themselves for their families.
Next in line for the night, John Sablan talked about cracking into the mind and unlocking the heart of a man. Sablan broke down the idea of manhood by explaining that men want to be driven. “When women put the bar high, we rise to that challenge. You cannot compromise,” said Sablan, explaining the importance of women remaining modest and having high standards for the men they choose to date.
Sablan opened eyes when he described the differences in the fears between men and women. Asking the crowd what a man’s biggest fear is, he responded that women’s greatest fear is rejection while men’s greatest fear is commitment.
He reminded the women in the room to be patient and not to lower the bar and settle for what is right in front of them. He brought up some do’s and don’ts such as avoiding “the savior complex,” which is when women think they can change the immoral man they should not be dating. “Be picky,” said Sablan. “When you’re considering men, this is a man who you’re going to place yourself under the mission of, somebody who is going to lead you to holiness.”
Impressed by the night’s discussion, freshmen Marcella Travis and Zoey Stapleton excitedly shared their discoveries. “I didn’t know my standards could get any higher,” said Travis.
“We’re supposed to be the partners in battle,” Stapleton said. “We stand alongside them to fight evil. I never heard that before.”
This talk was sponsored by Franciscan University, Household Life and Defenders of Purity household. The trilogy of the “Made for More” series concluded with the “Metanoia, Mercy and Mission” talk on Wednesday, March 6, at 6 p.m. in the Aerobics Room in the Finnegan Fieldhouse.