What kind of saint are you? Franciscan University’s Women’s Ministry hosted Know Thyself: Understanding Your Temperament on Nov. 19 during which students were matched with a saint who had a similar temperament as their own.
The first part of the event had students complete a temperament test, which consisted of four sections that asked them to rank themselves in different categories. Some of the categories included were “natural talent,” “sincere” and “easygoing.”
Students were then able to tally their scores and find out if they were choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic or sanguine. Then they were matched up with St. Catherine of Siena, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Avila or St. Gianna Molla, respectively.
“Welcome to the time in your life where you’re finding out who you are,” said Joanne Storm, who has a doctorate in clinical psychology and is an education professor at Franciscan.
Storm gave a talk on the four temperaments and how they affect daily life. She said that the temperament test is not always completely accurate and that it is possible for someone to have a secondary temperament that affects their personality a lot.
Freshmen Briana Santana said that she learned that she was melancholic and choleric, and that “your second personality dictates what your first personality is.”
Storm said that it is important to learn about the temperaments but that people cannot be reduced to four sections. She also said that a lot can be learned by examining one’s likes and dislikes or taking a personality assessment like the one offered at the event.
Four women talked about their life experiences related to one of the temperaments. They gave examples of strengths and weaknesses that go along with their personalities.
“I enjoyed learning more about my temperament and others’. I think it’s important that you’re aware of yourself and have some understanding of where other people are coming from,” said freshmen Julia Razook.