Women’s Ministry highlights importance of being yourself


Photo by: Audrey Battis

Continuing its “Abide Series,” Franciscan University of Steubenville’s women’s ministry hosted its third event this semester on Oct. 10, entitled, “Dare to be Yourself: Living as the person God created you to be.”

Hosted in the Gentile Gallery, the event was well-attended by many ladies excited to hear the message for the night. Some of the main presentations of the night concerned identity, self-love and self-knowledge.

The event began with songs of praise and worship, giving the evening to the Lord and setting him as the focus for the night. Following the opening prayer were a few talks and testimonies given by members of the women’s ministry core team, who spoke of the need to see oneself as God does and to be gentle with oneself.

Senior Ellen Brough, one of the core members, reflected to the attendees, “I should be confident in the person he’s making me to be.” Brough told the girls present to “imagine your greatest self,” to picture the person they each see themselves as in ten years in all of their greatest hopes and dreams.

The talks were followed by several activities and times for journaling, as well as tea and cookies. One of the activities called for the participants to write down how they see themselves and how they believe others see them. The ladies were then encouraged to reflect on how these viewpoints affected them and their relationships. Afterwards, the women were given some topics and questions for reflection about which they could journal.

“I really felt God working through the women there,” said freshman Alleyxa Heisserer. “The talks were beautiful and the activities that followed were just as inspiring. Hopefully, with the Lord’s help, we can all start to bridge the gap between the inverse image of ourselves and who God sees.”

The next installment in the Abide series will be held Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gentile Gallery. Women’s ministry will also be hosting a hiking outing on Saturday, Oct. 20. Any women seeking fellowship and community to help aid them on their faith journey are welcome to attend, especially freshmen.